

I graduated from National Primary Music School im. Grażyny Bacewicz in Wroclaw, PL and now I attend National Secondary Music School im. Ryszarda Bukowskiego in Wroclaw, PL. My main instrument is violin which I’ve been playing for 9 years and I also have been playing piano for about 4 years. Music school offers the opportunity to learn and perform solo repertoire as well as participate in chamber groups and orchestra.


As a Music School student I had the opportunity to take part in many masterclasses, workshops and competitions where I’ve won prizes (e. g. first prize at the Young Violinists Confrontations in Opole). I also attended summer music festivals both in Poland (e. g. V Kurs Smyczkowy w Domach Konesera w Trzcinie in 2022) and abroad (e. g. New England Conservatory Summer Orchestra Institute in 2022 – Boston, MA). 

But music isn’t only about winning for me, it is mostly an escape from the outside world. When I play my instruments I forget about everything else, I’m able to relax mentally and focus only on the beauty of the pieces I’m playing. 

Attending music school has taught me many things such as discipline and determination, made me a stronger person who’s not afraid to fight for their goals and dreams.